We get it—making decisions about joining a community is like finding the perfect playlist for your mood. It's got to feel just right, ya know?

We know you because we are you.

At Women& Inc., we believe in the extraordinary power of multi-passionate women. Our mission is to create a vibrant and supportive community where ambitious women, who juggle the beautiful chaos of business, leadership, and life, can blossom.

We exist to redefine success, breaking free from the notion that one must choose between personal and professional fulfillment. We are here to empower multi-passionate women to hold all the things that make life beautiful—the dreams, the deadlines, and everything in between.

Women& Inc.- where your ambitions are not confined to a single realm. Join our tribe, and together, let's build a future where multi-passionate women not only survive, but thrive.

Meet our owner!

I'm Amber Weber, the proud founder of Women& Inc. I'm thrilled to welcome you to a community that's not just a brand but a movement—a movement fueled by the power of multi-passionate women.

My journey, like many of yours, is a colorful tapestry of roles and aspirations. I'm not just a business owner; I'm a passionate advocate for the belief that we can be mothers, leaders, and entrepreneurs without compromise. It's a journey I navigate daily, and it's the heartbeat of Women& Inc.

Women& Inc. holds the vision of creating a space where women can embrace every facet of their identity. A place where loneliness transforms into community, and where ambition is not confined to a single realm. This community is built on the belief that success is not a one-size-fits-all concept.

My mission is simple—empower women to hold all the things that make them who they are. The dreams, the family, the business—they all matter. I believe in a holistic approach to growth, where personal and professional lives intertwine, creating a tapestry of success unique to each of us.

My path has been one of learning, evolving, and embracing the challenges that come with being a multi-passionate woman. From the highs of business victories to the humbling moments of motherhood, each experience has shaped me. I'm not just the owner; I'm one of you, navigating this beautiful chaos called life.

I invite you to join me on this journey of growth, connection, and limitless possibilities. Together, we'll redefine success and build a community where every ambitious woman feels at home.

Welcome to Women& Inc—Your Home, Your Tribe.

Our Values

1. Inclusivity: Our diversity is our strength; every voice and every story is welcomed and celebrated.

2. Holistic Growth: True success is found in the harmony of personal and professional growth.

3. Authenticity: Embracing our true selves is the key to fulfillment.

4. Community Connection: We are stronger together, and shared experiences create bonds that uplift us all.

5. Joyful Exploration: Life is a grand adventure, and exploration is the heart of discovery.

6. Integrity: Our actions align with our values, and honesty is the bedrock of trust.

In every interaction, every piece of content, and every connection within the Women& Inc. Membership, these values guide us. Welcome to a space where your journey is not only understood but honored and uplifted.

Get ready to embark on a journey of empowerment, growth, and meaningful connections. Your success story starts now, and we're honored to be a part of it.